The Congregation at Rivington Chapel is part of the Unitarian and Free Christian movement, which believes that people should be able to explore their personal faith in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, without the constraints imposed by having to follow a strict creed or dogma.
Although we are an independent Chapel, we are members of the General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches (GA) and the Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches (MDA)
Services at the Chapel are usually on the first and third Sundays of the month at 2.15 pm.
Although we are not restricted by dogma, our worship can be viewed as a celebration of our deepest values. We see our religious beliefs as relevant to all aspects of life including the wider community.

We have a Lay Person in Charge, Vince McCully, who looks after the pastoral needs of the congregation. Vince also takes six services during the year and acts as celebrant for rites of passage.
Our other Sunday services are usually conducted by a visiting minister or lay preacher. Sometimes they are led by members of the congregation.
Services usually consist of an address or reflection, prayer and meditation, music, hymn-singing, and an occasional dramatic presentation. Readings may be from a variety of sources including the Bible, the writings of Unitarian thinkers and relevant material from other faiths.
We enjoy a wide variety of perspectives from visiting speakers who may include ministers and lay preachers from other denominations.

All visitors and enquirers are made most welcome and are invited to join us for tea and a chat after the service.