We have produced a number of A5 publications relating to the Chapel and the local area. These are shown below.
If you require any further information or wish to purchase any of these publications, please email:
or telephone 01942 816569
Copies of publications are also available for purchase in the Chapel when it is open for services.
Chapel Related Publications:

The Nonconformist Chapel in Rivington, Lancashire: Rivington Unitarian Chapel including its early registers.
For details of this please see the separate Web Page.

Rivington Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
This is a transcription of the memorial inscriptions at Rivington Chapel. All the inscriptions have been transcribed and checked by 2 people, with several follow up visits to confirm specific details
Cost: £2.50 plus P&P

Rivington Chapel Trustees Minutes August 1859 to March 1955
Whilst researching the growth in size of the Trust’s property from 1703 we came across the old Minute Book which was found to contain some useful information. Of particular interest is the reference to the 1859 gift of a piece of land by Mr C J Darbyshire, which he had purchased from the trustees of the late Roberts Andrews Esq, to extend the burial ground. There are also references in 1912 and 1914 to the encroachment of hen pens onto part of the 1859 gift.
Cost: £3.00 plus P&P

Rivington Recipes
This is a collection of recipes from members of the congregation and friends of Rivington Unitarian Chapel
This is a reprint of the booklet originally produced to mark the tercentenary of the Chapel in 2003
Cost: £4.00 plus P&P

Rivington Chapel Bi-Centenary
1703 – 1903
This is a reprint of a book produced to celebrate the first 200 years of Rivington Chapel. The reprint is in the form of an A5 booklet and has 56 pages.
The booklet includes two interior photographs of the Chapel, so that it can be seen how little the Chapel has changed since 1903
Cost: £4.00 plus P&P

Rivington Chapel
A glimpse at its history
Edited by Rev. A. Fitzpatrick
This is a reprint of a booklet edited by Rev. Austin Fitzpatrick and published by the congregation of Rivington Unitarian Chapel in 1977
The reprint by the Rivington Chapel Trust is with the kind permission of Mrs S Fitzpatrick
Cost: £2.00 plus P&P
Local History Publications:
The following eight titles are reprints of local history booklets written by the late David Owen. Proceeds from the sales of these booklets are going to the Chapel with the kind permission of David’s widow.

Rivington and District
Boundaries and Watercourses
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p

Rivington and District
Wartime Memories
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p

Rivington and District
The Village School
By D.A. Owen
Price £2.50 + p&p

Rivington and District
The Headless Cross Ghost
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p

Rivington and District
Carved & Dated Stones
Book 1
1588 to 1703
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p

Rivington and District
Carved & Dated Stones
Book 2
1704 to 1838
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p

Rivington and District
Carved & Dated Stones
Book 3
1852 to 2004
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p

Rivington and District
A History of Rivington Church
By D.A. Owen
Price £3.00 + p&p